
By Jaybay

Turned out nice again

Forecast was for a dull and damp day but after a wet start the sun came out and it got really warm.
Early walk with Hetty was cool and we picked up some apples on route. Breakfast, soak in bath with a book and then off to town for some food shopping. Daughter messaged to ask if I fancied meeting for coffee, which of course I did. Spotted her following grandson on his new balance bike heading for Waterstones so headed in after them. He was looking at books at the back of the shop but as soon as he spotted me wanted to demonstrate his riding skills.
Coffee, M&S and off home to a pile of ironing before going out for another walk with Hetty.
Hubby went to pick up daughter and grandson while I cooked dinner and made an Eve’s pudding using the apples we got on our morning walk.
They have just gone and I feel exhausted. Tomorrow is the start of a week of nursery drop off/pickup duty and we have him all day Tuesday so I will need next weekend to rest.

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