
By schorschi

Acari Victim

I hope not but he probably has his share of them. A few weeks ago we discovered after 12 years of having chickens that our coup has been infested by blood sucking fowl mites just 1 of 50,000 known and 1 million estimated mite species. Seems most chicken keepers have had to deal with these pests. Today we received 10,000 killer mites which Angie has spread out in and around the coup. The hen house itself is now closed & the chickens have to sleep in the large covered outside shelter. Luckily it is warm and also means Angie can shower off using the garden hose and then in the swimming pool to let the chlorine kill off the remaining ones! I can't help as I neither have the energy nor can I go close with my two open wounds.

I am getting worse by the day, I hope it's "only" due to the hot weather putting a strain on my weakened kidneys. Spending almost whole day horizontal. Angie being loaded with more & more work. I just pray she can keep going. Never quite understand where women get the energy in these situations.

I am completely shutting down comments as I feel so guilty that I can't even find the energy to surf the journals. Even considered no longer posting but will try to so long as I can get out for a few minutes to take a photo or two.

HOWEVER, out of sight is not out of mind and you Blipers are with me all day. Just this morning while sitting in the GP's waiting room, picked up a gardening magazine & saw a report that Crabtree & Evelyn has just introduced an Eau de Toilette called Somerset Meadow and thought straight away of Angelique. They have several shops in Germany, I was surprised though that it is an American company - sounds so very English.

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