Double Loss
It was bad enough being beaten by the Auld Enemy England but we also lost the program (or is programme) as well, it dropped out of my bag at some stage . David my son could not go to the match so he asked me to bring my grandson James to it. I know followers of teams have a sort of disconnect with reality when it comes to their team. It might or might not be fair to say that Ireland at the moment do not have any players who would get into the English soccer team. Sometimes if Jupiter aligns with Mars the team with less quality but a bit more heart win. Unfortunatly the two English players who scored against us played at some stage for Ireland but decided that the grass was greener on the other side. But that is life and you lose some and you lose some. There is always the next match. James enjoyed it even if we did lose the program and put sugar on the chips at halftime instead of salt.
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