
By Yvonnedailypic

Ipswich parkrun and a bob from Osea beach

Up early for Ipswich parkrun.  8 years ago, G got up early to tour to Ipswich parkrun.  I really could not understand his reasoning, and chose, instead to remain in bed saying, 'why get up so early when you have a parkrun 5 minutes away?'. Now I get it! I understand the joy of running a variety of different routes, different challenges, and Ipswich parkrun has been on my 'to-do' list for quite some time. A 1 lap, trail run; inclines for most of the route; congestion for most of the first k and difficult to overtake; but gorgeous ancient trees. In short a thoroughly enjoyable challenge which, despite the hills, I kept running throughout. Unexpectedly we bumped into Dave, one of G's work friends and shared news.  A very under utilised park, so when we went for a post parkrun stroll before breakfast, we were on our own. A strange experience for a beautiful city park on a lovely Saturday morning. 

Later I met up with M for a beautiful and leisurely swim at Osea Beach,  past the beach huts. Chairs had been left so post-swim we enjoyed a comfortable seat and the ever-changing view with a flask of tea, whilst M sketched and experimented with functions on her new phone. Several boating folk and passers-buy kept our interest.
Another perfect day (provided that I ignore the congestion on the causeway on my return).

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