Flowerpower's journal

By Flowerpower

Farewell cookie

Today has been a fun day. Lots of lovely lessons and then at lunch time we had a European themed lunch - which involved pizza and a variety of delicious salady bits and dips.

This afternoon I had my last lesson with 8D. I have taught them for the past two years and went on a week long trip to France with them last year. They gave me this huge cookie, a card signed by them all and a best teacher ornament. I was very touched. They are a lovely group. I've had quite a few cards, flowers and chocolates already so I am feeling rather sad about leaving.

After school I played in the house tennis semi-final. I allowed my Steffi Graf to shine through and my partner played really well so we are through to the final next week. Today has been a good day spent with some lovely people.

P.S. Having a victory FAB! ;-)

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