
By BoydMcAdam


A bit more sleep last night - until 4am and some dozing afterwards. Nevertheless still on the go early then acting as a taxi to Angus to drop our daughter in law off to join her wife for a wedding. Our daughter is one of several bridesmaids and was already there for the preparations. The house was in full flow getting ready with everyone with name embroidered robes before getting dressed.. I even got to greet the bride to be.

Back down the road to grandchild sit. While the weather in Angus had blue skies, Edinburgh remained shrouded in mist and fog. Crossing the Forth on the Queensferry Crossing you could not see the Forth Road Bridge. None of the wonderful views the other day(see Wednesday).

In the evening catching up with one of our nieces who is staying along with an international climbing expert.

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