Parkrun day
Today Littlehampton parkrun by the sea 15 mins away. a new PB here not sure how..
Then son wanted to sort his skin fade.. I .started off inside then could not watch what they were doing to his v lovely thick hair.. so went for a stroll... His choice..
Everything hurts back etc... but will always show up and I dont ever let people know
N at Goodwood revival volunteering.. and He comnected with blip lovely Rachelwhynot... I spoke to him.briefly thia afternoon wished I could meet you Rachel waiting to see if he took a picture.. He is still not home!
Went out with my son we visited the v nice Wiston Estate and Chalk.. best wine and vineyard so far.. we were passing so didnt eat.. just a taster.. Son gone off to stay with his sister tonight such v special family times
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