Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Hello Lovely Blippers,

We were very excited this morning because we heard Mr. and Mrs. HCB saying that they were going to visit their Blip friend, Amanda T and they were going to meet her at Almondsbury Garden Centre. They mentioned lunch too and also said that Beau, the dog Amanda sometimes looks after and his owner, Jo, would be coming too, so we thought it would be a great day.

Imagine our surprise when they left us in the bag on the back seat of the car while they went in for lunch.  What a swizz!  We amused ourselves, of course, but it wasn’t the same as going in and creating havoc in a garden centre - how could it be?  We did hear that Beau had been very good and that he had been rewarded with a Doggychino - if you want to see that you will have to go and look at Mrs. T's Blip for Silly Saturday posted later today.

Anyway, after about two hours, they all came back to the car and we thought, mistakenly, that we would be going in for a ice cream or something like that, but nothing as good as that happened, so you can imagine, we were quite upset.  We did tell them when they got back that as it was Silly Saturday and the first one in the month, we had expected better treatment, so Mrs. HCB said she would see if she could get a shot of us all sitting on top of some bags of decorative chipped bark.  How boring is that?  We were NOT amused.

Mrs. HCB went and chatted to the young man who was in charge of all this stuff like bark, compost and top soil and he kindly said she could take a photograph but to be careful because it had rained and all the bags were very wet.  She found out - of course she did - that his name was Harry and we could hear them having a good chat.  He said he would wipe off the packs so we didn’t have to sit in any of the puddles on the top of the bags and then proceeded to do that with the sleeve of his jumper - how silly is that?  We think it would have made dear Admirer giggle if she could have seen him and also to think that any 3 of us could be bought for £18 - you all know we are worth MUCH more than that!

Harry was interested to see we were all wearing name badges so Mrs. HCB gave him a run-down about our names and he said that was very interesting.  We then saw Mrs. T coming over and she then took some photographs, one of Mrs. HCB leaning nonchalantly against the bags - being very careful not to get wet - and another one of her taking a shot of all of us, with Harry next to her.  Mrs. T has kindly said that Mrs. HCB can use these shots so you will see them in as an extra collage.

We understand they all had a lovely time and heard that Beau behaved very well, although he was tempted to chase one or two dogs.

We’re sure we don’t need to remind you to BE KIND - you already know that it’s better to be kind than to be unpleasant to those you meet each day - so we will just say, “Have a great week - and we hope you all stay warm and dry.”

Love to you all from
The Silly Saturday Gang at Almondsbury Garden Centre xxx

P.S.  It was a lovely garden centre if ever you are in the area - Harry is in the "Drive Through" bit so do go and say Hello to him and tell him we enjoyed meeting him - we're sure he will remember us, and if not us, then he will DEFINITELY remember Mrs. HCB!

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