My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Robots in disguise

Such a convoluted day. A trip back to the 'hood for my third dentist visit in a month was majorly interrupted by the crises going on at work with no working analyser in Biochemistry. Cue frantic Teams messages trying to find a solution whilst sat in the waiting room, phone buzzing while I was in the chair, a meeting conducted in the car on the drive home and absolutely no progress on testing for the new LIMS that was supposed to start today. Add into that trying to get overnight cover for this weekend too and I really could have done with being on site instead of dribbling tea down my chin from my still slightly numb mouth. 

Still, one of the nice things about working from home on a Thursday is being able to pick Owen up from school and today he had something to show me. An Optimus Prime he'd made, taking great care to explain to me what all the pieces were and then showing me how it transformed into truck form. Unfortunately, he couldn't remember how to transform it back so his teacher said he could take it home and bring it back tomorrow.
He really amazes me sometimes how creative, imaginative, and resourceful he can be. 

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