Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Doomed, all doomed …

You couldn’t make it up. Ok , we got to Heathrow knowing that we’d get on our onward flight, thanks to one Emma on the check in desk at Glasgow. One of us even had a seat in Business Class - a perk from the cruise line rather than our doing. We enjoyed some champagne with breakfast on the London flight. Things were looking up.

And we got on our plane, slightly delayed by the late arrival of crew off another flight. We had used the lounge at Heathrow - another tick. Lunch was served on board, only a little too late. And then they told us: we’ve turned back. The radar telling us of thunderstorms is kaput. Not safe … and as I write we’re circling Heathrow again, when we should be landing in Venice. If I can bear to, I’ll add to this. Later. Where, I don’t know.

Epilogue: We’re in an airport hotel in Heathrow, on a BA voucher. Our cruise ship has sailed. The only offer was one we couldn’t face, involving flights via Vienna and a long car drive on difficult Croatian roads with no guarantee that we’d catch up with the ship. Getting too old for this - and air travel seems far more problematic than ever.

There are some good stories of people doing their best for us, but tonight I’m too gloomy to tell them. Maybe another day.

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