Third Eye

By EwelinaS

Lunch hour

Rough morning that quickly got forgotten at work. Submerged myself in project work that seems to be coming along well. It's nice to have a few goals that give you the flexibility to switch between tasks so that the workload doesn't get to you. Enough work talk.

Met up with Anna for lunch, finally. We work really close to each other so we both couldn't believe it took us 3 weeks to grab a bite. We walked through Rive, bought a sandwich (the same one because I'm a copycat like that and also hers sounded delicious) and went to sit by the lake where the view wasn't as nice due to the setting up for the Fete de Geneve! Excited for it to start this friday I think it is; a little worried about walking past the celebrations everyday after work. Fun times ahead though.

After work, Dom came over for dinner and a movie. Was so nice to see her again before she leaves to Dan Diego. She'll be back soon but as we don't see each other during the year, we try to make the most of it when we're around. The night consisted of gratin de legumes, chips, ice cream, planning my trip to Amsterdam to visit her (more about that another time) and 'The Admission' I believe that's what the movie was called. Tina Fey and Paul Rudd, sweet movie for a relaxed evening. For those who are going to watch it: the ending wasn't as predictable as you'd think.

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