Another Day

By BlackTulip

Hair raising

Hairdresser's this morning, where I learned something useful.  I mentioned that my doctor was ringing me tomorrow, between 8.30 and 6.30 so I'd have to stay in.  No you don't she said.  Check the NHS website under appointments and that should tell you what time they will ring.  I did, and sure enough my call is booked for 11 - 11.15 a.m.  

It's decidedly chilly today and we'll be having the gas fire on this evening.  It's blowing a gale, so no stationary insects, but it hasn't rained.  Leaves all over the place as per usual.

JJ is busy cleaning down plastic windows and putting back vents and blinds and other bits that need doing.  Tomorrow I'll set to and sort out bedroom 2.

This is a sedum that is just coming into flower to which I've added a filter.

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