
By Mindseye

That time of year

A whole day at home to myself, no one to go and see, no one to pick up, no one visiting, a rarity these days :-)

Pegged my washing out in the hope it would dry, popped into town for shopping, then treated myself to coffee & a bacon barm.

Afterwards I decided to have a wander around some areas that i’ve not had chance to explore, before going home.

I tackled the front lawns, way too long but the showers have kept on deterring me!
Decided now or never. Good decision….. i’d all but finished trimming the edges as it started to rain again !!

Just managed to grab the last of my laundry off the line, that’s when I heard the familiar honking in the distance, just had time to grab my phone!!

Sure sign that Autumns approaching

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