Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Semi Colin

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

IT'S HEDGEHOG DAY. Today we saw our first hedgehog of the Spring!

"Be sure to mark it on Blip," said Caro. So that's me having done that. 

Other than that, it was another day working from the home office. Today's reason was because there was disruption on the trains and really who can be @rsed with that?

So it was another day where I got stuff done. Or rather, I had heaps more added to the list of things I need to do. 

This does not bother me. I am loving the feeling of being indispensable. And in fact, I have started making jokes about the "Symon 2030 Project" in the hopes that they take the hint and keep me on for the best part of a decade. 

In other news, as Caro left the house this afternoon she sent me a text saying. "Colon's here".

Then corrected it. "Colon".

Then corrected it. "Colin".

I went upstairs and Colin got his biscuits. He BOOPed at me happily. 


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