Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


I often thought in the last few years that I’d never make it to 84 years old.  My Mom died 11 days before her 84th birthday so I really wanted to be older than she!,   Happy and grateful to say I made it and here I am.   A bit frailer ..and wrinklier, than I’d like.  But upright.  Who knows what’s coming when…Thanks for so much excellent blip support over lots of years….

Herb is watching Tatum’s plane on his phone on its way home from London…Luis called yesterday when she was in Paris to wish me HB.  Fiona started High School today!   We will see them all here on Saturday for pizza and cake.    (and hopefully I can find some stuff to give away….so no one’s disappointed…ha) )

And tonight we are going to try dinner out…a piece of fish at a fish restaurant and their to die for peach cobbler.   And Mike, who deserves a celebration for her birthday coming up.  Maybe we’ll get a photo there….. (extras)

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