It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Dunchurch Photographic Society

My first time at a camera club.
I’ve had an utter sh*t day off. Work is so unbearable and stressful at the moment I’m heading to being introverted again. Last night I had so many attempts at sleep hoping to enjoy my day off i decided not to go on pc after work but that was obviously the wrong decision as my head wouldn’t stop spinning and going over events from work and that wound me up so badly i finally crashed at 8am this morning.
In turn that ruined my plans and I had to get some kip so I could go to the camera club.
Anyway Garri took me tonight and I met my friend April which was lovely and just being in a room with like minded people did help me to relax and I will go again next week and probably join. I’m looking forward to going again.
This is a quick phone snap of half the room. 26 people were there ( mostly men) myself and three other ladies were there.
So it ended well after a crappy day and night before hand.

It’s very hard to not let ignorant arse***** people ruin your life but I must try to ignore it and rise above such vile humans and thank goodness for photography people and a hobby I can get lost in.
Laughter and photography are the best medicine.


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