
By Grammy

In Full Bloom

Before we left for WV, my Fall star clematis had just started to bloom. Now however, it has burst into a magnificent display. I hobbled around some of my gardens and these tiny white blooms made the blip cut. This shot shows about one third of the bush. Our weather has really cooled down. We opened windows when we got home last night and enjoyed temps that feel very Fall like. Our high was in the mid- 70°sF and lows in the low 60°sF. I got ready and hubby took me to the ortho appointment. They thoroughly x-rayed my knee from all angles. The good news is that I will not be having surgery. The bad news is that the arthritis in my knee is so extensive that torn meniscus surgery would only make the situation worse. The doc explained that a cortisone injection was my best option to obtain some relief. The injection really did not hurt as much as I feared. It was time for lunch so we went to Firehouse Subs where I got one of their delicious salads. Could only eat half of it. We went to the grocery store. Hubby gathered most of the items. We got everything put away and I went to the recliner. I have to rest for a few days; the pain has not lessened yet but that is not unusual. Hubby mowed the lawn. He has a meeting tonight for last minute prep before his Greece trip. My next appointment is in the middle of that trip but it will be no problem getting a driver if the knee is still a mess. I believe physical therapy is the next step. I hope your day was a bit easier. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting and especially for your thoughtful comments lately. "And all at once, summer collapsed into fall" - Oscar Wilde

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