Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

The Statues of Gorton Monastery…

… A photograph displayed at the Monastery, taken by Photographer Dan Dubowitz. This is the statues (of the Saints) in their container, on their way ‘back home’.
They had been removed from the Monastery when the Franciscan Order regretfully withdrew from the Monastery, and the building was sold to a developer. Development proved impossible, for various reasons, and the buildings were horribly plundered and vandalised.
However, through a series of incredible and serendipitous interventions, they (the statues) were eventually rescued and restored, and now grace the beautiful building again.

We shared a delicious lunch there today, with (apparently!) the Mother of the sons of Zebedee. (Nothing to do with the Magic Roundabout, just a fun reference to something picked up in the lovely gift shop on the way out).

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