
By WharfedaleBex

Techie Tour

I took a ChatGBT-devised self-guided walk around Vannes old town today, starting with catching the bus in. Without technology, this would all have been very complicated but I had an stress-free and very enjoyable day (keeping a close eye on phone battery to get home!)

It was market day (which ChatGBT had pointed out already!) and the walk through the old streets had even more atmosphere with the smells of food, a little taste of cheese and the buzz of people mingling through the stalls.

It’s a ridiculously characterful place and I thoroughly enjoyed completing all the items on my agenda with the help of Google maps.

I wandered the streets mostly, walked through the gardens next to the remnants of the town walls and walked the section of ramparts that’s still accessible. I had a déca au lait to start the tour in a wonderful happy cafe and later, a crêpe pomme tatin with a verbena infusion - all fantastic. I had one rubbish experience in the middle in a crêperie but I left before I was too irritated and have learnt some French for how to respond politely to impoliteness - hopefully never required!

It’s then been a bit of planning, food and a practice of pétanque where I picked up another friendly Frenchman. Sadly, I only caught about 1% of what he was saying but it was fun to kind of chat! I can now explain why I’m practising, at least!

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