Light entertainment

By annejohn

Banff bridge

Completed 1780, widened 1881 history 

A fine bright sunny morning; went to Banff. (Had thought of going to Pitmeddan or Fyvie, but those NT properties are only open on certain weekend and weekend adjacent days ..).   Parked at Duff House, walked down to look at the bridge then along the beach. Tide was mostly out. 
Extra of Banff harbour, with creels.  This was rebuilt in 2007, and had about 40 boats in the water, looking prosperous; rather more so than the town.

Along to Scotstown; saw a few swallows, a pair of pied wagtails and some little brown birds at the water edge; at least 40 eiders in a raft offshore, 20 cormorants, a pair of oyster catchers, a pair of herons. Found the path up to the headland, back by Battery Green and the Banff Castle coffee shop which was busy. 

Saw a few groups of gathering swallows on the farmland while driving back. More cutting back and weeding in the afternoon; heavy rain in the evening. 

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