‘Crested Covid’ and ‘Long Covid’ carved out of the dried branches of a Yew tree owned by my Beekeeper friend N, who I went to visit today in her gorgeous 16C/17C timber framed farmhouse. Everything in every room is a joy to feast your eyes on. I hadn’t met ‘The Covids’ before but I absolutely love them and during Covid they were whittled by N’s dear friend P, sadly no longer with us. N said this lovely man could turn his hand to anything, particularly creative, which I saw in his paintings of N’s various dogs.
N provided elevenses: coffee and Crème Pat swirls, lunch: homemade wholesome bottom of the fridge chicken broth with garlic croutons. After which we had a tour of her extensive veg and fruit garden and said hello to the bees who were busy going in and out of the hives.
Almost teatime now, we're still chatting and another friend of N’s came round and so yet more interesting conversations ensued.
I got away and home just before Mr HB arrived back from a flying day. He said …… “I thought you were just going out for coffee with your friend” ??!!, I said “Yes, but you don’t know Nicky as well as I do! And I have come home with a lovely jar of N’s freshly spun honey full of lavender, oregano and borage flavours, a celebratory tin of Horlicks tablets and a feather from the Tawny Owl who lives in one of the Yew trees”. He thought the honey was the best of these three treasures.
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