A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Carl's meeting a man about a dog tomorrow. Not to worry if it doesn't work out as clearly my hairdressing skills are second to none and will see us right.

Did a good work thing. Sort of manhandled the raspberries into submission to allow a little room for our BBQ guests to be on the patio at the weekend. Neither vomited nor fainted in my 4th bikram yoga class today though spent almost the entire time expecting to do one, other or both. I know these things aren't linear in their progression and I have had a fever this week but it was still a little disheartening that it was essentially worse than my first class. Am oddly incentivised to get back as soon as I can for another class though.

Kids spent the day with their new teachers and came home giddy with excitement.

Not bad for a Wednesday,
Lesley x

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