Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Evening Sunshine!

Old Guy Road working it's magic once again on an initially bright, now cloudy, evening. I'm making the most of having the light on my evening strolls because it won't be long before I can't use many of the lanes around Queensbury due to no street lights. I have my winter proof routes up my sleeve of course though!

Day one with the children successfully navigated and always good to get under your belt. It was great to be back in the swing of things and lovely to see last year's class who wanted to share news of their summer holiday fun...and enquire about my cycling adventures!

Wondering if the power will go off again this evening...there were three power cuts over night and I've had 4 texts regarding further ones during the course of the day. Northern Power Grid are fast becoming my biggest texter!! :-P

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