This is the day

By wrencottage

More jewels needed

These bags, matchboxes and bookmarks are ready to be decorated by our 7-year old granddaughter L and her friends at her belated birthday play date on Friday. I was surprised at how popular the bookmarks were that I made for H, our 5-year old granddaughter’s birthday play date, so I’ve made plenty. 

The end of August and beginning of September is a busy time in our family. Our two youngest granddaughters L & H have birthdays four days apart at the end of August, and then on 4th September it’s their Dad’s birthday (our middle son) as well as our wedding anniversary. 

48 years ago, on our 5th wedding anniversary, Smithers and I had booked a babysitter for son #1 so that we could go out for supper, thinking it would probably be the last time we would be able to go out on our own for some time. However, it didn’t happen because he decided to turn up five weeks early on the morning of our anniversary. 

I woke at 5.30 am and knew things were on the move. My parents were away in Devon on holiday and Smithers had to knock up our next door neighbour at 6.00 am and ask her to come in and stay with son #1 while he rushed me to hospital. Son #2 was born within 45 minutes of arrival, and Smithers was still sitting outside in the corridor waiting to be told he could come and be with me during labour, when the midwife emerged and said to him, "Congratulations, you have a son!".

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