
By Jaxter46

Comma butterfly

I've not seen a Comma for a while, very lucky to capture it as I had to get in quite close and thought I'd disturb it, luckily he was sunning himself and not bothering about me.

Much cooler weather and a bit breezy which makes it feel cooler I think.
The car is going for an MOT tommorrow so I'll be on foot somewhere with Ellis, hope the weather stays nice and the car passes.

I've been helping organise with my colleagues at work a GIG which is taking place tomorrow night, local bands a DJ and a good night had by all with a bit of luck. We are supporting the STAY UP LATE campaine which began with a band called Heavy Load, who are a group from Brighton with and without learning disabilities, they got fed up with their fans leaving their gigs early as their support staff finished their shifts at 10 pm. Its took a bit of organising and we've learnt a lot about how much is involved in organising something like this

The guys we support are coming to this GIG with their support workers, friends and families, and we hope everyone will stay late and have a great time.

Will get some pics of the band and post on Saturday, so excited.

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