There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Fawn and Flamingo / Great Spangled Fritillary

We've settled into a lovely chilly patch of weather, and I have to say that I'm loving it! The deer family came around in the morning and we watched them from the window. There were two does and three fawns. My husband got to see fawns nursing on their mother in our woods.

When we went out later and got in the car to go to town, as we were sitting there in the driveway, one of the fawns stepped out of the vegetation and just stood there, in a perfect spot for me to get some photos.

So here you may see one of our fawns, pretending it doesn't see the pink flamingo; and the pink flamingo, pretending it doesn't see the fawn; and the small patch of Mexican sunflowers in between! (Does this make it a Mexican stand-off?)

Our day's adventures included a walk in the Barrens. I took my chair along and I was able to just park myself and my camera next to a stand of pink thistle blooms and snap many photos of three great spangled fritillaries who came there to feast. You may see one of my best close-ups in the extras. Look at those EYES!

My husband was sitting under the shade of a tree by the path, reading his book. When the butterflies left, I went back and joined him. As we sat there, we suddenly saw a small critter hop by, with legs a-flying. It was a frog, looking ridiculous, but making great progress. It passed us by, then disappeared into the weeds.

I've got two pictures. So here are two tunes to go with the pictures and stories of this day. For the close-up of the butterfly in the extras, I've got the Cranberries, with (They Long to Be) Close to You. For the hoppy hoppy frog story, I've got Emmylou Harris and Mark Knopfler with Love and Hoppiness, I mean Happiness!

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