By Yorkshirebred

Special outing for the Bus Pass Walkers

Last meeting of some of the Tittle Tattle group at the garden centre today as we are back at the Congs from next week.  Walked back home and had a couple of hours to spare before travelling to Leeds with the Bus Pass Walkers. No buses involved today, but our senior bus passes allowed us to get half price train fares. We had a meal booked at the White Swan as it was next door to the City Varieties Theatre. 8 of us in all - some of the meals good, some not so much, but okay, and at least there is 20% discount for theatre goers. Then it was off next door to see singer-songwriter Beth Nielsen Chapman whose music I have loved for many years. She was supported by 2 other singer-songwriters, Ruth Trimble and Katelynn Corll, both of whom had stunning voices and were also brilliant instrumentalists. Near the end Beth asked for requests and there was a shout out for "This Kiss" which was sung in Tree of Life, a show some of us were in  many years ago.  We have been requesting a Beth Nielsen Chapman song at community choir for some time now, and last week we were given "This Kiss".  We caught a late train back to Bingley, but home by 11pm after a lovely day.

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