
By Croft16

Can you guess what they're singing?

..G and Cath (on skype) singing Happy Birthday to me..

Lovely coffee cake with five candles (should have been two fives!!)..

Horrible day. Close, misty, damp, not weeding weather. Not that I'd go weeding on my birthday, but not really fit to go for a walk even..

Spent most of the day rebuilding my workbench, because when the weather improves on Friday, I'll be out weeding..

I've probably spent more of my birthdays in Scotland than anywhere else. my 40th was in Papa Westray in Orkney, my 50th was here in Scourie and we went for a walk around Balnakeil golf course. First place I ever saw a Scottish primrose, primula scotia..

Harvested some veges for the hotels, and delivered, and had a meal too. Spineys for starters, with Split Rock Croft pork shoulder, and Croft 16 veg for mains. Very nice.. But paying to eat my own veg?!!


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