
By ZE1Christie

Yowes o Yaafield

A breezy morning, dry and cloudy, low cloud on the hills.  The sun tried to peep through a few times.  Showers started in the late afternoon, rained most of the night. 

Day off, up early.  Headed out walkies with Sammy, popped by Madeline's for a cuppa.  Washing out on the line and chores done around the house.  More walkies with Sammy in the afternoon.  Working in the shop this evening, fairly quiet with the poor night.  No weather for walkies, time for feet up and telly.

The forecast for the afternoon had it to be dry, so we set off for a walk into the hills.  That low cloud hanging over hills looked rather wet, and proved to be so, me and Sammy got soaked.  It didn't put us off, we continued our walk.  Arriving back home,  my washing was soaked too.  The ewes here enjoying the fine day, before the rains started.  Taken at Yaafield, Bridgend, East Burra. 

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