Still Rockin'

By RockArea

The Bear's Hut

Marian had to take her car to the dealer at Exeter for a recall and she had an appointment at the Nightingale across Exeter afterwards. I picked her up from the garage and dropped her at the hospital. As she was going to be about an hour, I drove on to Killerton House. It's a National Trust property so I figured that a bit of a walk, a blip and a cup of coffee would take up the time neatly. I got my blip and ust as I finished my coffee Marian rang to say she was finished early so I headed off to pick her up. I dropped her back at the garage to pick up her car and headed home.

This little thatched hut called Lady Cott, was built in the early 17th century by Sir Thomas Dyke Acland for his wife Lydia, perhaps after seeing this style of rustic building in Switzerland on their travels. It became known as The Bear's Hut some 60 years later when apparently it became home to a bear brought back from Canada by Sir Francis Dyke Acland. It's varied between drizzle and pouring down all day, so it wasn't the best day for photography but this seems to have come out alright. I've added an extra processed as an HDR of the inside of the Bear's Hut.

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