
By TheOttawacker

What a glorious day

A lovely day, all things considered… Beautiful sunshine, cool breeze blowing, no work to do… The kind of day that makes your heart sing. Now, what else could make it better, let me see… let me think… hmm. A roast dinner? Okay, well, I did decide to make a roast beef, roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding and all… but, no, it wasn’t that. Even though they turned out well – and even the Yorkshire pudding attained the desired height and fluffiness… (mind you, there was a lot of clear up in the oven for Mrs. Ottawacker to do – and all the windows had to be opened in the house for the smoke to clear). So, it wasn’t the weather, wasn’t the day spent preparing for and enjoying the Sunday roast… what could it be?

In the morning, Mrs. Ottawacker had gone shopping, no, it wasn’t that. I had a reasonable lie in, having slept well… but no, not that. Called an aunt in Formby… no. Managed an afternoon nap, in the chair, with both cats on me… What could it be? Got to enjoy a complete episode of Inspector Morsein the evening with no interruptions? No….
You know what, I can’t think what was so good about the day. Really stumped me. Got me beaten.

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