My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Duracell spider

With Louisa at work, Owen and me had a lovely morning relaxing at home before heading out back to Attingham Park again. Owen Spiderman had a good run around the Field of Play, making friends with random children as I wandered around in their wake. When it was time to head back to the car we took the longer route along the mile walk and around the house past the Adventure Cinema people setting up for today's Frozen sing-along. At that point Owen decided he wanted to explore the house too, so off we went on a hunt for magnifying glasses.

Finally home, you'd think he'd be tired, but no. After a quick trip to B&Q he spent 45 minutes getting hot and sweaty in the soft play after bumping into Patrick.

I don't know about Owen but I was bushed. 

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