
By HellsBells

……and we’re off!

Sunday 1st September
It’s dull and cool outside. I don’t care today because we’re off to Cyprus today,
The journey to the airport was busy but fortunately uneventful.
Our plane, and all the planes in front of us were delayed slightly by 40 minutes. Not too bad in the bigger scheme of things.
Although the flight was 4.5 hours long it was over before I knew it. We’re 2 hours ahead.
We were greater at the Hotel by an efficient chap who sped through the welcome spiel. They’d put a cold buffet on for late arrivals. That was a nice touch.
The porter brought out bags up. I had a Quick Look outside over the pool before collapsing into a soft comfortable bed.
We’re celebrating the end (almost) of Toms cancer treatment and two big birthdays!

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