The Importance Of Praying For Each Other!
The oppressive heat of just a few days ago has left us, at least, for now, so we gratefully gathered at FBC to worship and praise God for that blessing and many more that He has given us. We began our service with a congregational song to help us to start to prepare our hearts for the fellowship that we enjoy with each other and the message that Pastor Wes would bring to us later in the morning. Pastor Wes followed the opening song with the welcome. After the choir, orchestra, and our dedicated accompanists presented a joyous arrangement done by one of our own choir members of the uplifting hymn, "Praise The Lord Ye Heavens Adore Him". Following that, the congregation again joined in singing a few more songs before Pastor Wes directed us to Ephesians 3:13-21 where Paul finally finishes a thought that he had begun several verses earlier and then had digressed, but in today's passage he returned to tell the Ephesian church about his prayers for them and how important it is that we pray for each other fervently and often from a position of humbleness and surrender to God knowing that only He can meet the needs and direct our paths to draw others to Him and point the way with the help of the church body. We surrender to God Who is sovereign and has all power over everything and everyone in the universe. Paul says that he is praying for the Ephesians for something only God can give them; the overwhelming strength and power of God to be rooted and grounded and filled with the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ living in you. Pastor Wes had much more to say and explains it better than I can on the Live-stream which would be especially inspiring and worth your time this week.......
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