
By HeartFreek

Impromptu visit

I had a nice quiet day planned with Mr W away. Till these treasures turned up!!!!

DN2's BF was digging a soak away in their garden so needed the tool obsessed child out the way so he could crack on so Soph brought Jasper over to see me. His steri strips came off his surgery wound yesterday and he proudly showed me his scar. He was thrilled to be allowed back on his bike again!

We had a little play in the studio where he showed mummy how to work the wheel!!!! "thats too fast mummy!". DN1 then came over with Baby Mylo while Daddy Brown took Matty bowling. Jasper absolutely adores Baby Mylo and tends to smother him in kisses! It was a pleasant couple of hours with the family before I took Bella for a windy walkies and settled down to carry on with a crochet order. 

Bella spotted one of the badgers hiding on our bedtime walkies and chased it. I could hear a bit of a kerfuffle in the bushes where the badger had obviously missed its hole in the fence during the chase and had visions of Bella being mauled as I know badgers have a pretty aggressive nature if cornered but she came when I shouted. Apart from looking a bit sheepish she seemed fine. I think she shocked herself at how close she got to it!

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