Twenty minutes before this was taken I was in the garden, dripping with sweat (yes I know - a delightful image isn't it) from trying to get the strimming finished before the storm I could hear rumbling in the west reached us. I just managed. (Well, I just managed the section I was aiming to finish, there is yet more to do another day...)
Once all the gear was safely stowed and the drops started falling in earnest it was an absolute delight to stand and feel those big fat cool drops of rain falling down. Mind you, I was sure to be inside before the inevitable blast of wind that always follows, sending dead bits of tree and all sorts of garden equipment flying around. It only lasts for 10 minutes or so, but really gives us a taste of properly wild weather down here. Of course, once inside I started worrying about my inadequately staked tomatoes (with good cause given the wreckage the next morning). Any storm here, and even the ones that we just hear in the distance, always puts the electricity off for some part of the evening, so my computer was off for safety (I'm using that as a lame excuse for not blipping - actually I was just exhausted).
Earlier in the day Mr B had suggested that some boxes cluttering up the hall might go in the electricity room, which is currently full of dust and rubble from the destruction of the ceiling above it. So I headed in and started phase one of getting it cleaned up.
Also more work on sewing: some jeans adapted for TallGirl and a start on the dress; the skirt is now done. She seems distinctly underwhelmed.
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