My day

By 59


Today we walked a different way, first along the river and then to the site of the proclamation of Bathurst in 1815. There is a wall with plaques naming the original settlers, some of them are our family. See extras. Margaret was my great great grandmother. William and Rebecca were my 3x great grandparents. R Peacock was my great Uncle Ralph. George and Ruth were my Great grandparents. 

When Australia celebrated its bicentennial (1988) this public art was commissioned. Called Conversation by artist Stephen Hart. After that we walked through a garden next to the highway. I said the other day I had never walked along there. It is only a few blocks from our place and I have driven past countless times. It was nice and we found a croquet course (with people playing) and a large preschool. 

Apart from a bit of a rest after lunch I have been busy all day, washing and gardening. The weather has been warm ( and broken records for being the hottest winter day in many places). We were 17° which is comfy but Brisbane was 35° yesterday. Ouch. 

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