Keith B

By keibr

Northern Lights (2)

Closing down things for the night I glanced out of the window and saw those slowly waving beams in the sky. The Aurora Borealis was back again! I popped outside for a quick look and it was spectacular, right above our heads across the dome of the sky and really bright in the west and north. This was the first picture I took and it turned out to be the most colourful one.
The camera sees things the eye doesn't so in reality the colours were a little more muted than you see here, especially the red, but it was definitely among the best displays I've seen. The aurora was creating almost as much light as a full moon, which is also unusual. I guess it's because it was radiating from three-quarters of the sky.
We stood outside watching for maybe 20 minutes as it blossomed and faded, (see the extra) across different sections of sky. It seemed almost wrong to go in while it was still happening but it had faded somewhat and we were pretty tired. An hour later I glanced outside and it was still happening, now as a single thin band across the sky.
The more mundane news is I lifted another two rows of potatoes today. The harvest is not good this year because we weren't around when the weather was hot and some watering was needed and didn't happen. So the spuds are small but we got maybe 4 times what we planted and they are very healthy, unblemished for the most. We ate the smallest ones for our dinner and they were tasty too!
We had fresh chutney with the potatoes because while I was digging them up Jan was converting Lis and Paco's apples into fig chutney. 13 jars, 12 for the cellar to mature and one for the table! Jan writes up the chutneys in a book and this was the 157th batch she has made. I'm as impressed by that as I am by the aurora display!

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