Swallow Tailed Moth

A couple of years ago I purchased, for a ridiculous price, a couple of young plants of a white Acanthus. Needless to say that it doesn't like where it's living and has hardly grown a leaf whilst in the cottage about 300 yards down the road the regular Acanthus developed into an almost weed status. Oh well, the Swallow Tailed Moth does look good against the measly leaf.

This is a beautiful moth, which comes with the fab Latin name of Ourapteryx sambucaria, could easily be mistaken for a butterfly. They fly only at night and are easily attracted by light. On these balmy evenings I've had them coming in large numbers but they normally hide well during the day. This one is a little bit the worst for wear so I assume it's coming to the end of it's short life. They only fly for a couple of months a year between the end of June and August. Their caterpillars are like stick insects and feed on many herbaceous plants, preferring the plant it's named after, Elder.

It was very warm overnight last night and W. was struggling . I sent her off to bed with a trick I learnt when living in Italy which gave her a good nights sleep. If you have anyone who is suffering the heat, particularly the elderly, you might find this useful and not just for the night. Stick a bottle or two of tap water in the fridge . Fill a hot water bottle with it and use it as you would filled with hot water... It's guaranteed to work. :)Enjoy a fresh night.

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