talloplanic views

By Arell

unFestive Friday

On my way to monthly coffee-and-a-bun with bikey friends in town, I passed Bristo Square.  Once upon a time this was skaters' paradise – well, once upon a time this area was all built up, with the main road, Bristo Street, striding from bottom right to top left – but in recent years it hosts one of the Edinburgh Festival's main venues.  I completely failed to buy tickets to see anything at all this year and as you can see, they're taking it all apart, so that about wraps it up for another year.  I thought the central section of the Underbelly tent looked rather like an unusual two-storey bandstand.  Come to think of it, a nice Lion Foundry bandstand would look good in the centre of the square!

Somehow despite the late start at work I did a whole day, but somehow I also powered through it all.  But I was glad to finish while the sun was still out and while the wind was somewhere else, and despite my weighs-a-ton panniers I had a strong ride home.  Little M came to visit as soon as I opened the patio door, and we had lots of cuddles.

I've also backblipped yesterday's adventures in bicycle DIY.

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