
By simisue


You are probably wondering if those fuzzy structures are FLOWERS,
because they are unlike most you have seen.  Yes,  those are flowers
& the BEES have finally discovered them.

Can you guess what plant this is?

Here are some hints:
-It is in the Asparagus family, closely related to Agave
-it is native to northern Mexico & southwestern US, (NM!) so
it is low water use & thrives in the full sun
-this flowering stem grows to 16 ft. (4.88 meters), which appears
after 7 years.  Bees, Hummingbirds & Butterflies like it.
-it's an ornamental plant, that cannot tolerate a frost
-it gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit
-the alcoholic drink SOTOL is made from the fermented inner core
-the narrow leaves are razor sharp, but native people weave baskets,
after striping off the spines
-the Latin name is DASYLIRION wheeleri 

Check out my EXTRA to see the plant in my front garden..

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