One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Cruel irony

Or rather just retribution, the fact that Nicolae and Elena Causescu were taken out of a nondescript municipal building after a micro trial on 25 December 1989 in the provincial town of Targoviste and shot there and then against a wall that was not made of marble. 
It is somehow apt that he never made the speech for the official opening of the monstrosity into which he sank four billion euros, an ode to megalomania so vile that even the Orange Monstrosity would find it lacking in subtlety. 
I had expected to feel disturbed but I was shocked  beyond belief at the sheer scale of the Horror. 
The millions of tons of marble quarried out of the countryside, the tens of thousands of mighty oaks felled to build this absolutely pointless penis extension. 

Right after that, Luca and I went to visit Tobor market and the contrast couldn't have been starker. 

I never thought I'd ever type this but yes, indeed, some people deserve being shot. Away from palaces. Against a nasty piss-ugly grey wall. 

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