City Art...Part Two

This piece, called Audubon Watcher...sits behind our city hall. It can be yours for $8,000.

I always hate to be an art critic...but...more than a few things bother me about the piece.

1. I'm assuming it's a man. So...what's with the shoes? Look at the heels on those things. Is it the late 60's...early 70's? Is he trying to be mod...trying to be Carnaby Street-ish...Paul, John, George, or Ringo?

2. How about the "hat?" If you're going to make a bird about a bird we can recognize? Which bird has a bill like that?

3. The hands folded over the stomach. Had to be a better way to convey the hands. To me, it looks like 4 attacking snakes, OR, the dude is 3 months pregnant.

4. A question for the statue. Why look out into the pond...when the ducks are right under your bench?

5. $8,000 dollars? Are you kidding me? Even if it's metal...$8,000? He's a stick figure...he's a quarter inch thick. He wears weird shoes.

I wanted to get a picture with a bird perched on the hat. Nothing would co-operate.

One thing I do get? Finishing the piece in white. (It hides the waste of the birds who perch on it.)

Hmmm....maybe the birds are critics, too.

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