Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


The Abstract Challenge this week is " colourful abstract ".  I took a photo of my wire mandala and processed it in different ways.  Made about 20 different images.  Couldn't decide which to blip so in the end I made a collage with 4 of them.  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.

Had a quiet day at home doing different chores until 5.30pm when I set off to walk to slimming group.  Weather was nice - warm and dry.  Not many at group this evening.  I think a lot of members are on holiday.  I had a gain of 2½ pounds.  Quite pleased with that.... I thought it would be more considering I was " off plan " for 5 days. Hoping for a loss next week now that I'm back to eating healthily.

Steps today - 5,204

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