It's Thursday today....
For some unknown reason I thought it was Thursday yesterday.
A mixed day, today, Thursday... Lots of phonecalls. Support for me from my surgery, which resulted in community support phonecalls to me. This afternoon I've been busy making phonecalls. Nothing more frustrating then getting my head into gear, only to be informed that due to demand no further on-line enquiries/requests may be left by Mum's GP Practice. What the hell is going on?!?!? There's a beautiful blue sky out there....
I must stop eating blackberries, they're just so plump & juicy.
Mum & I did some deadheading, & feeding of the annuals planted in pots.. Gazania & Ageratum. They've done really well so reckon with a boost they might give us some colour for at least another month. I made mum's lunch - barbecue pork ribs, jacket potato, corn on the cob with a few peas from the plot.
I pulled up the pea plants on the plot early morning, then picked runner beans.
Time to make dinner here now.. Lamb, spinach & chickpea curry.
Down to CK later to get Mum tucked up in bed. We sat and watched the Paralympics opening ceremony together last evening. Impressive!
Watched poor Kadeena come off her bike in the velodrome earlier... :-(
Thank you so much for my birthday wishes. X
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday
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