
By dwalletta

Today I signed up to join a group of urban explorers. I've been wanting to do it for a while, ever since I heard about the hobby. Members clandestinely meet up at secret locations - usually at disused buildings with some historical interest which have been left to languish and decay, and explore the ruins, taking photos along the way. Occasionally it involves trespassing and even more occasionally, running away from security staff.

I was a bit disappointed that I could sign up without having to confirm that I'm not an undercover police officer, and I didn't even need to have my balaclava approved.

My husband is convinced that I'm only welcome in the group because I'm bound to be the oldest member, and so the rest of them will be able to run away faster than me. (Huh - they don't know about me and Barry at the gym.)

All this is a long way round to explaining today's blip. I thought I'd better get in some practice before my first big meet-up, so I spent a happy afternoon exploring this disused telephone box. You have to start somewhere.

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