
By Tryfan46

Texan Skeleton Weed

Or, that’s what the Picture This app tells me.

A rare delicate bloom in the sage bush scrub of the Copper Creek trail near St Elijo. All was dry, brown and dusty except for this little flower and much larger Western Jimson weed which looked like a lily.

We started early after dropping Landon off at school. It was still relatively cool with a mistiness in the air when we started.

That soon burned off and by the time we were on the top of Denk Mountain (extra) the clouds had almost rolled back to the Ocean. The return journey was warm but not unpleasantly so as some of the trail along the creek side.

It’s hard to imagine that 100 years ago the creek was a hive of activity where copper was mined in the Encinitas Mining District. The noise, smells and energy can only be imagined. Now, all that remains are a few bits of buildings, some spoil heaps and a dammed stream.

We were back just after 11.00. While Chris worked I pottered then had lunch and talked to Susan.

However, we now have Maddy and she was a sweetie sitting contentedly next to me while her dad was out. We watched Shaun the Sheep and she enjoyed a sandwich.

She was ready for bed this evening and went down without a murmur.

I’ve tagged this as a late addition for WFW24_22. Thank you Miranda.

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