
By dreaming

Faint but majestic

Natalie was here for two hours today and we got a lot done.  The pantry is orderly again and she took away a lot of recycling.  And she helped me to organize and prioritize all the paperwork that was awaiting me.  So I'm pleased, but as usual wonder how so much stuff can have left the apartment and so much stuff still be here.

It was a sunny but hazy day today, as you can in this shot of Mount Rainier.  I'm so lucky to have the mountain as a fallback when I can't think of something else to blip.  I was only there once, some thirty years ago, but even though it's sixty miles away it still feels like part of home.  Gena and Terri went hiking there a couple of weeks ago, as they've always done, but as old people (Gena's 88 now) they're not as adventurous as when they were young and healthy.

Back to dialysis tomorrow, and I'm hoping that there may be some Paralympic coverage on TV while I'm there.

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