Everyday Life

By Julez

Walled Garden

Today we had another relatively lazy morning. We did do a little tidying and cleaning in preparation for tomorrow when the person from Sky will come with a couple of new boxes for us. They could come any time between 8 AM and 1 PM, so we need to be up, ready and organised for then.

So we decided to go out late morning, once it had stopped raining. We headed to Baumber, which is on the way to Skegness in order to visit the Walled garden. It is a lovely smallish garden set around a pond. It has a beachy feel to it with beach huts, little boats and a lifeguard seat by the pond. There was a colourful  beach-style snack shack which features in my Blip.

I was not too happy with many of my shots as I thought that if I had used my phone I could have done better, but this was my favourite of those I took. I have added a Red Admiral extra as I don't think I have blipped a butterfly at all this year - there have been so few around. I saw more today in that garden than all the rest of the summer put together. There were many white ones as well as a few small tortoiseshells and red admirals.

The garden is quite small but well cared for and very popular. It makes an income from some little huts selling plants, garden ornaments, tools etc, and from the tea-room. They also have an events venue for weddings, family parties etc. as well as running a garden design course for people wanting to improve their own garden.

We had some lunch on the little forecourt of the tea-room which was doing a roaring trade today - a toasted cheese panini for me and sausage roll and crisps for Brian.

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