Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Reading material and a red Busy Lizzie in flower.

The Feast Day of Saint Augustine of Hippo.

After I went out to buy this week's copy of The People's Friend and I newspaper, I fed the garden birds and spent a long time indoors. I listened to some of the issues being discussed on the Jeremy Vine Show.

It has rained nearly all morning, with a few dry interludes. The wind has gone.

I have dried washing and looked after the cats and plants.
A gift for Maria's birthday in September, was delivered.

Several magpies, both young and older, were delightful to see in the garden, as they visited the bird feeders and ate from the bird table. As pensioners, we hope to be able to continue to afford budgeting for ourselves, our cats, the car, and the garden birds. The current state of the world economy is so diabolical and I pray so much for a fair and decent way forward that includes the holistic needs of all, if that is envisionable, not something that gets worse before it may or may not get improved.
Have a good Wednesday.
Thank you for dropping by, blip friends.

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